Title: Nuclear Iran: The Birth of an Atomic State Author: DAVID Price Pak Rs: 1995

Title: Nuclear Iran: The Birth of an Atomic State

Author: DAVID
Price Pak Rs: 1995
Publisher: I B T
Pages: 368
Publishing Date:2012
Language: ENGLISH
Format:Hard Back
Price in Us$: 20 Price Pak Rs: 1995
Isbn: 9781780761251
Book Code:631
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The Iranian nuclear crisis has dominated world politics since the beginning of the century, with Iran now facing increasing diplomatic isolation, talk of military strikes against its nuclear facilities and a disastrous Middle East war. There is little real understanding of Iran’s nuclear program, in particular its history, which is now over fifty years old. This groundbreaking book, unprecedented in its scope, argues that the history of Iran’s nuclear program and the modern history of the country itself are irretrievably linked; only by understanding one can we understand the other. From the program’s beginnings under the Shah of Iran, the book details the US’s central role in the birth of nuclear Iran and, through the relationship between the program’s founder and the Shah of Iran himself, the role that weapons have played in the program since the beginning. David Patrikarakos’s unique access to “the father” of Iran’s nuclear program, as well as to key scientific personnel under the early Islamic Republic and to senior Iranian and Western officials at the center of today’s negotiations, sheds new light on the uranium enrichment program that lies at the heart of global concerns.

The Operators: The Wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America’s War in Afghanistan Author: Michael Hastings Price: 995/-

The Operators:
The Wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America’s War in Afghanistan

Author: Michael Hastings
Paperback: 432 pages
Price: 995/-
ISBN: 9781409144878
Product Description
General Stanley McChrystal, the innovative commander of international and US forces in Afghanistan, was living large. Loyal staff liked to call him a ‘rock star’. During a spring 2010 trip across Europe to garner additional Allied help for the war effort, McChrystal was accompanied by journalist Michael Hastings of Rolling Stone. For days, Hastings looked on as McChrystal and his staff let off steam, partying and openly bashing the Obama administration for what they saw as a lack of leadership. When Hastings’ piece appeared a few months later, it set off a political firestorm: McChrystal was ordered to Washington, where he was unceremoniously fired.In The Operators, Hastings gives us a shocking behind-the-scenes portrait of Allied military commanders, their high-stakes manoeuvres and often bitter bureaucratic in-fighting. He takes us on patrol missions in the Afghan hinterlands and to hotel bars where spies and expensive hookers participate in nation-building gone awry, drawing back the curtain on a hellish complexity and, he fears, an unwinnable war.
Get this book Send your order at Email aftabqureshi1972@gmail.com

How Pakistan Negotiates with the United States: ByTeresita C. Schaffer and Howard B. Schaffer

How Pakistan Negotiates with the United States:

Riding the Roller Coaster (Cross-Cultural Negotiation Books) [Paperback]
By: Teresita C. Schaffer and Howard B. Schaffer

Price Pak Rs
Paperback: 210 pages
Publisher: United States Institute of Peace (April 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1601270755
ISBN-13: 978-1601270757
Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.4 inches

How Pakistan Negotiates with the United States analyzes the themes, techniques, and styles that have characterized Pakistani negotiations with American civilian and military officials since Pakistan’s independence.

Pakistan’s view of the world begins with the 1947 partition of India that created it, and the subsequent insecurity. (Pakistan is one-seventh the size of India.) Kashmir, ruled by India despite a Muslim majority, is an ongoing source of potential conflict between the two. India’s support for the breaking away of East Pakistan in 1971 is another ongoing sore point with Pakistanis.

Pakistan – U.S. relations over the past 60 years have been marked by highs and lows, with three marriages and two divorces. The first divorce came in 1965 during the Pakistan – India war when Pakistan used U.S. provided weapons which Washington had warned them against using vs. India. Pakstan’s nuclear program caused the second divorce, leading to the cut-off of assistance in the 1990s. Both instances involved Pakistan’s refusal to accept U.S. conditions, and have led Pakistan to see the U.S. as an unfaithful ally – especially in comparison with China.

Pakistanis have also come to see the U.S. becoming more aligned with India as a means of counterbalancing China. Thus, Pakistan is not looking towards China, oil-rich Arab nations and other Muslim countries for backing.

Pakistan sees the U.S. as a counterweight to India and its neighbors, and the U.S. tries to use Pakistan to gain influence in the region. More recently, the U.S. has attempted to partner with Pakistan based on the premises that our and their goals in Pakistan are the same, and that both nations need the other. Authors Schaffer contend that this is only half true. Both nations would like to see a peaceful Afghanistan, but U.S. concerns over al Qaeda in Afghanistan are of much less concern to Pakistan than preventing India from having significant influence there. (India’s consulates in Jalalabad and Kandahar don’t help.) Working against the U.S. is Pakistan’s belief that U.S. presence will soon be gone.

Consistent with Pakistan’s lower priority for ridding the area of al Qaeda are U.S. suspicions that the Pakistani government knew of Osama’s location in Abbottabad; the raid also angered and embarrassed the Pakistan army. The U.S. decision to withhold $800 million of military aid from Pakistan, as well as our drone raids that have killed Pakistani soldiers and civilians have strained relations to the point that Pakistan has now closed U.S. access to Afghanistan through the Khyber Pass.

Pakistan has more than 100 nuclear weapons, is building more rapidly than any other nation, and has a population larger than Russia. Pakistan’s military, the dominant ruling force, sees militant groups as actual or potential assets – thus, it will continue to provide sanctuary for ‘friendly’ militant groups.

Bottom-Line” The U.S. has tried to buy Pakistani cooperation with $20 billion in aid since 9/11. Adding criticism to that aid hasn’t helped. Pakistan knows the U.S. fears Pakistan’s collapse, or halting its aid vs. Afghanistan. Only 17% of Pakistanis had a favorable view of the U.S. in 2010, and 63% disapproved of the 2011 raid that killed bin Laden. Given our moving closer to India, and that being Pakistani’s #1 concern, the situation is not likely to improve in the near term.

The Future of Pakistan By Stephen P Cohen Retail price: Rs. 1,595.00

The Future of Pakistan

By Stephen P Cohen
Published Date: 29/02/2012
Format: HardBack
ISBN: 9780198079774
Publisher: Oxford University
No of Pages: 325
Retail price: Rs. 1,595.00

With each passing day, Pakistan becomes an even more crucial player in world affairs.
Home of the world s second largest Muslim population, epicenter of the global jihad, location of perhaps the planet s most dangerous borderlands, and armed with nuclear weapons, this South Asian nation will go a long way toward determining what the world looks like ten years from now. The Future of Pakistan presents and evaluates several scenarios for how the country will develop, evolve, and act in the near future, as well as the geopolitical implications of each. Led by renowned South Asia expert Stephen P. Cohen, a team of authoritative contributors looks at several pieces of the Pakistan puzzle.

The book begins with Cohen s broad yet detailed overview of Pakistan, placing it within the context of current-day geopolitics and international economics. Cohen s piece is then followed by a number of shorter, more tightly focused essays addressing more specific issues of concern. Cohen s fellow contributors hail from America, Europe, India, and Pakistan itself, giving the book a uniquely international and comparative perspective. They address critical factors such as the role and impact of radical groups and militants, developments in specific key regions such as Punjab and the rugged frontier with Afghanistan, and the influence of and interactions with India, Pakistan s archrival since birth.

The book also breaks down relations with other international powers such as China and the United States. The all important military and internal security apparatus come under scrutiny, as do rapidly morphing social and gender issues. Political and party developments are examined along with the often amorphous division of power between Islamabad and the nation s regions and local powers. Uncertainty about Pakistan s trajectory persists. The Future of Pakistan helps us understand the current circumstances, the relevant actors and their motivation, the critical issues at hand, the different outcomes they might produce, and what it all means for Pakistanis, Indians, the United States, and the entire world.